Plagiarism/Academic Integrity

Plagiarism/Academic Integrity

Plagiarism/Academic Integrity


What is integrity

adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty


What is academic integrity?

“the moral code or ethical policy of education; includes values such as avoidance of cheating and plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigour in research.”  


What is academic misconduct

“any action or attempted action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other member or members of the academic community”


Examples of Academic Misconduct: 


  1. Plagiarism - the intentional or unintentional use of someone else’s words, ideas, or creations (their intellectual property) without acknowledgement; passing off someone else’s work as your own
  • Directly copying portions of text written by others into your own work
  • Rewording, using, or explaining someone else’s ideas
  • Handing in work written by someone else as your own; copying artwork
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ie: ChatGPT


  1.   Falsifying information - providing false information, data, citations, etc. 
  • Making up research or results 
  • Fabricating citations (perhaps if you did not initially note your sources)


  1. Unauthorised or excessive collaboration - copying others’ work or letting them copy yours; dividing an assignment into parts, and only completing certain pieces when you do not have permission to do so
  • Copying assignments or homework
  • Handing in the same assignment (e.g. printed from a Google doc.)
  • Dividing assignments intended to be completed individually, and trading answers


  1. Cheating - using dishonest means to achieve an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation –  includes things like cheat sheets; most likely to be planned and done with intention
  • “Wandering eyes” during exams
  • Taking and posting photos of tests
  • Use of electronic or other devices during an assessment
  • Stealing tests; memorising answer keys
  • Entering test questions in calculators, not clearing them 



  1. Parents/guardians will be notified. A conference with administration, parents/guardians,  student and possibly the class teacher may be held.
  2. Student will be required to complete a different assessment.
  3. Administration will be notified in each circumstance. 

Further incidents of academic dishonesty may result in more serious consequences that may include: receiving a zero on the assessment and/or an In-School Suspension (I.S.S.).