Grades, Promotions, Exams


Report cards with grades given in percentages are issued at the end of each semester. Students and parents should contact teachers directly regarding marks and progress to date. The minimum mark for receiving credits is 50% although 65% is the recommended  mark to continue in the academic stream. Students must receive 50% in order to take the next course in that subject sequence. Credits may be obtained for any course only once. Students who receive credits for a course and repeat the course elsewhere (i.e. summer school) in order to improve their grades do not receive credits a second time. Requests for transcripts (Unofficial) should be made directly to Student Services. Official transcripts are available from Alberta Education through myPASS.

Provincial diploma exams have been developed for the following Grade 12 courses: English 30-1, English 30-2, Social Studies 30-1, Social Studies 30-2, Math 30-1, Math 30-2, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, and Physics 30. Diploma exams are worth 30% of the course mark.

Advanced Placement Exams are written in the grade 12 level AP course in May. They are written in addition to the diploma exam of that corresponding course.