Post Secondary Requirements

Post Secondary Requirements

Below is a generic list of possible post-secondary options and the high school requirements for admissions into these programs. We strongly encourage you to visit the website for your post secondary institution of choice for the most up to date and specific information.


University Degree Programs

Undergraduate Degree programs are generally four years.

All Canadian universities require English 30-1 plus 4 other 30 level courses.

Depending on the faculty students are interested in they can choose from:

  • Humanities: Social 30-1, French 30, Spanish 30
  • Fine Arts: Drama 30, Art 30, Music 30(limit of one)
  • Sciences: Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Science 30
  • Mathematics: Math 30-1, 30-2*, Math 31(Calculus)
  • CTS/Options: Phys Ed 30 ( for Recreation, Phys Ed and Kinesiology programs only) 5 credits advanced computer science

Specific Program Requirements

Engineering – English 30-1, Math 30-1, Math 31(Calculus) Physics 30, Chemistry 30

Faculty of Science, Pre – professional (pre-med, pharmacy, dentistry)

English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Physics 30, Chemistry 30

Faculty of Science – English 30-1, Math 30-1, at least two sciences at 30 level specific to area of interest, fifth course from above (usually with a recommended course)

Faculty of Arts: English 30-1, plus any 4 from the above choices.

Faculty of Education: English 30-1, plus any 4 from the above choices.

Faculty of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences: English 30-1, Bio 30, Chemistry 30, Math 30-1 + one more from any category

Faculty of Nursing: English 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry or Science 30, Math 30-1, 30-2, or 31, one other from the list above.

Faculty of Business: English 30-1, Math 30-1 plus three more from the above list.


There is no direct entry from high school into the following faculties:

  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Vet-med
  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry

Students are required to complete at least 2 years in an undergraduate program prior to applying. Some post-secondary institutions require a year of general arts or sciences prior to applying to business, education, or specialization programs.