My Life After Westwood
If you have not already done so it is time to check out and APPLY to the colleges and universities of your choice. They will accept your applications without final marks so the sooner you apply the better. Do not be afraid to apply for more than one university and more than one scholarship. We have lots of handouts from Scholarship sponsors and Universities across Canada. They are available in Student Services and all new view books will arrive by the end of September
Speaking of scholarships - if you have not started checking scholarships you need to start soon. With 60,000 plus scholarships it is well worth your while to invest some time in the application process. There is no one site that has it all so you need to do some research.
Post Secondary FAQ's
They’re asking for my marks, what should I provide?
Most post-secondary institution will ask you to submit mid-term or final marks for required courses. Early in the process you can provide them with your most recent report card marks for mid-term marks, provide them with information on courses you are taking in semester II and provide them with any marks for completed required courses (available from student services). Unofficial transcripts or DAR’s (Detailed academic reports) can be downloaded from myPass or requested from student services. Most post-secondary institutions do not require official transcripts until later on, but if needed you can order official transcripts through myPass. In the meantime, keep the post-secondary up-to-date on your information: send updated DAR’s at the end of semester 1, provide a letter with any updated plans, address changes, new e-mails, and don’t be afraid to call them with questions. They will not think any less of you; there are several folks at colleges and universities whose job it is to answer your questions and to provide you, their future student, with supports.
I have no idea what I want to do next year, what should I do?
This is a tough question that requires careful consideration. Best advice; talk to your parents, friends, teachers, and, of course, your friendly neighborhood guidance counselors. Best place to start, ask yourself: "What do I really love doing" and go from there . . . A great on-line resource to help you with this is and click on career insite.
Also try username: ymcayc password: careers
At University…..Am I a graduate or undergraduate?
You are an undergraduate - undergrad programs or bachelor degrees are the ones you are interested in. Grad programs are for students who have one or more university degrees already. Most post-secondary Institutions have online applications. If applying to a university or college in Alberta, you must go through the Apply Alberta website.
Scholarship Information
What is a Scholarship?
A non-repayable sum of money awarded to a student to help finance further education. Most scholarships are based on merit in areas ranging from academic to athletic achievement. Many scholarships also focus on community service, volunteerism, leadership and/or citizenship. Usually scholarships are not based on financial need. The following website provides you with a detailed list of Alberta Scholarships.
You can also look up national scholarships at and
What is a Bursary?
A bursary is a non-repayable grant of money. Bursaries are awarded primarily based on financial need, but academic achievement is also being considered. Usually, the applicant must provide detailed documentation describing their financial situation when applying for the bursary.
Specific Scholarships
*Note: Most scholarships awarded based on membership in clubs or parental criteria are not included in this list, as well as essay contests.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship (Provincial)
Deadline: May/December
Requirements: Be an Alberta resident who is attending at least a semester of post-secondary and has at least a 75% average in at least 5 required courses from grades 10-12
- This website has information about many Canada-wide scholarships
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